This is my answer to the often asked question- “How do I get healthy/ lose weight/ get stronger?”
We need to move, stretch, breathe, meditate, eat healthy, connect, get outside, and (last year taught us) sometimes do nothing at all.
The DAILY act of being CONSCIOUS about WHAT YOU NEED tells your body you actually care. And that means a lot. And it takes practice.
So...does your body know you care?
When I launched on-demand courses last January, I didn’t really know why I was doing it to be honest. I just felt strongly that if I could remove the barrier of logistically being able to get to classes with our modern busy lives (myself included), individual health could improve across the board with 24/7 access.
And here we are, a year later, working out on our computers. It’s certainly not what I envisioned, but I am so grateful it is more possible than ever to remain connected 🌏
Many think Zoom and working out online is disconnected. My experience has been the opposite. My client relationships have improved. My clients show up. I have met their dogs, kiddos, and spouses. I have had an intimate peek into their homes and daily life, and them into mine. The majority of my clients report feeling stronger and healthier than the previous year. And that makes me really really friggin’ happy. ❤️
I strive to provide the tools, coaching, and support to teach you how to be conscious about your health, to make YOU the expert. It’s your body, after all.
Take a look at my On-Demand Programs if 2021 is the year you will show up for yourself consistently.