“I have been working with Stacy Fisher for at least 9 years. She has been my trainer, my health coach and my teacher. At half my age I find her to be wise, tough, focused, knowledgeable, and so good at what she does. As circumstances have changed she has educated herself and pivoted to be able to provide all of us lucky enough to avail ourselves of her services with what is needed now. After a decade of struggling with weight and injuries I am fitter, slimmer, stronger and happier than I have been in a very long time. Did Stacy do this for me? No. I did this for me, but Stacy provided me with changing tools to address each of my challenges as they arose. She educated me, motivated me, held me accountable, and finally got it through my elder skull what it means to take care of oneself. From functional training to MELT Method to health coaching to Yoga Nidra and beyond, the tool chest Stacy provided made it possible for me to change my life and my health.
-Pamela Gibson, Artist
“After my MELT session yesterday, the pain is gone, and I can walk up and down those stairs easily. I also feel completely balanced from left to right, which is something I have not felt in ages. Everything is just feeling so great- thank you for introducing all of this to me, and for providing the opportunity to expand my ability to help myself live better.”
“MELT Method is an effective way to help my body recover from sports and prevent injury. It is a form of preventive medicine that I wholeheartedly endorse. I have been working out with Stacy for almost 15 years, and I have always found her advice to be cutting edge.”
-Annie Fenn, MD, Founder Brain Health Kitchen
“With Stacy's knowledge and intuition, she is able to tailor each class to what the participants need most that day, so I always feel that I've gotten exactly what I need.”
“I love the platform. It’s a perfect fit for me! Thanks so much for the encouragement and an awesome program. Oh, and I slept an entire night for the first time in 4 years after doing the Yoga Nidra Meditation!”
“I'm happy to announce that I've lost 6 pounds since I started your program! I've been a meal prepping queen, not really drinking, taking long walks outside and just feeling really good :)”
“I have been doing MELT foot exercises daily for a year. This simple set of exercises, easily added to my morning routine, has provided the SINGLE most effective pain relief from osteoarthitis due to articular cartilage damage in my knees. It has not only hydrated my body and ease of movement, but also improved my sense overall sense of emotional well- being.”
“Stacy is conscientious, well trained, knowledgeable and consistent. And MELT Method has been the only key to unlocking my upper back and neck. I've since gone on to do things I haven't been able to do since I was a kid….ok, maybe late 50s!”
“I always look forward to my 'Stacy sessions' because I knew we could focus on whatever I needed in my overall wellness that week.....be it a hard workout, a relaxing MELT realignment, or just general questions about staying healthy while sitting at my desk all day.”
“I began Stacy’s challenge program at 3 months postpartum. I carried an extra 25 pounds which was not budging due to breastfeeding. I knew I needed coaching beyond my own will and discipline to exercise and that I needed something I could do at home, between baby naps. I lost 5 pounds in a month without sacrificing my milk supply and am confident I can lose five per month until I get down to my pre-baby weight.
-Sarah Grigg, Writer, Numerologist
“In three months I have lost 18 pounds, am able to run 80 minutes continuously, and more aware of my eating habits. I am grateful I began my health coaching program before the pandemic. It has given me invaluable tools to stay calm and centered.”
“Stacy has an exceptional style of teaching, which makes both the fit and not-so-fit feel comfortable in her class. Most importantly, she teaches tools with the foam roller and hand and foot treatment MELT balls that everyone can do and incorporate into their self-care routine. “
“ My motivation has always been to be healthy. I realized that with Stacy Fisher as my health coach, I could pursue my goals with guidance and structure. With Stacy’s calm approach and a few encouraging changes that complemented my lifestyle, to my surprise, I surpassed my own expectations.”
“My time working with Stacy Fisher has been/and is life changing. I am continually peeling back the layers and layers of insecurities and lack of confidence that has plagued me for a better part of my adult life. She not only celebrates with me, but she always has words of wisdom and research to support me in my struggles. She makes each session for me and about me.”
“I am finally starting to feel in control of my schedule for the first time in my life. I am doing things that I have said I wanted to do for days, months, and years but could never seem to “have time for.” I used to think routine equaled boredom. Now I effortless eat healthy meals, exercise five days/week, and feel amazing!”